MHIMA blog

Mental Health Professional Network (MHPN)

MHiMA Team - Monday, April 08, 2013

Are you a mental health professional working with immigrants and refugees?  Lead and Join our Network! A new partnership between Mental Health in Multicultural Australia (MHiMA) and Mental Health Professional Network (MHPN) is aiming to meet the unique mental health needs of immigrants and refugees. We are forming a network that will enable sharing and collaboration within and across states and territories. 

Find out how can you can benefit by clicking here
. The deadline for registering is Monday May 6th 2013.

The network is open to: 
  • general practitioners;
  • psychiatrists;
  • psychologists;  
  • mental health nurses; 
  • occupational therapists; 
  • social workers; 
  • allied health professionals; 
  • community practitioners involved in primary mental healthcare; and 
  • consumer and carer advocates.


Network members will meet regularly (at least four times per year) to participate in education, clinical review, peer support, community development, collaboration and networking opportunities. They will also collaborate through online discussions and resource exchanges. Members will also have access MHPN Online Professional Development opportunities, including a series of regular, free webinars with panels of expert presenters participating in a facilitated case study discussion.   

The network will be managed by a national coordinator in collaboration with coordinators from states and territories, with support from MHPN and MHiMA project officers. A ‘Call for Interest’ for volunteers to cover these roles been circulated through MHPN’s newsletter and MHiMA’s website. 
Categories: consultation, MHiMA project news, workforce development and education
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