
MHiMA is keen to share knowledge and deliver understanding among those affected by mental ill-health and suicide in multicultural Australia. Engaging with media organisations and communications teams is helping to achieve this objective. 

Regular MHiMA Project updates will be provided through the Mental Health Australia CEO Weekly Update (free subscription) and on this website.

See below for an up-to-date list of MHiMA's media activities up to 2014.   

Guidelines for journalists 

If you are from a media organisation or team and looking for expert comment about mental health and suicide prevention issues affecting Australia's culturally and linguistically diverse communities, please contact MHiMA at info@mhaustralia.oror phone (02) 6285 3100   

Mindframe is the Australian Department of Health's national strategy for promoting responsible and accurate reporting of mental illness and suicide and has produced a number of helpful resources that can assist journalists prepare responsible stories about mental illness , suicide and suicide prevention and provide talent for media. MHiMA supports Mindframe's mission.  See their website for further details. 


SBS World News
Watch a television item broadcast following the launch of Finding Our Way, a new DVD of ten short films that reveals a rare insight into people’s experience of mental illness in migrant and refugee communities. Flims 'unshackle stigma' of mental illness faced by migrants features interviews with storytellers Kim and Maria and MHiMA representatives.  



Read an article by Harry Minas, Director, Centre for International Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Getting the facts about migrant and refugee mental health in Australia at The Conversation, published following the release of the 
report, Mental health research and evaluation in multicultural Australia: Developing a culture of inclusion

An interview with Susan McDonough by Community Broadcasting Association Australia (CBAA) was included in radio material, released in August, as part of the national suicide prevention and mental health awareness project, and developed with the support of the Australian Government Department of Health.
Listen to this brief audio segment about MHiMA and the MHiMA website. 

Interview with Harry Minas, Chair of MHIMA Executive, on Transforming Perceptions Radio Show, 2XXFM Community Radio. View an edited version (27 minutes) with slides here. Topics include MHiMA, cultural diversity in Australia, mental health and recovery from illness, evidence and research, mental health service frameworks. 


MHiMA: project profile in LIFE News Issue 24. LIFE News is the online newsletter of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy in Australia.