Strategic directions

MHiMA's strategic plan informed the project's direction until 2014; to build capacity across health, multicultural and suicide prevention sectors and support the social inclusion of individuals and families from immigrant and refugee backgrounds impacted by mental ill-health.

The plan grew out of MHiMA's strategic priorities and was developed in consultation with a range of stakeholders from across Australia. It assistied MHiMA to:

  1. Build on the work of MHiMA's predecessors;
  2. Provide a clear statement of MHiMA's priorities; and 
  3. Create a platform to strengthen and build alliances across the nation. 


Note: Mental Health Australia has been engaged by the Department of Health to manage the Mental Health in MHiMA Project until 30 June 2016. Key tasks during this timeframe include analysing the activities, arrangements and outputs of the most recent Project (to 30 June 2015, managed by another entity), and making recommendations to the Australian Government Department of Health about future directions for the MHiMA Project.