MHIMA blog

Cultural responsiveness learning programmes for mental health practitioners: what do we know?

MHiMA Team - Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What cultural competence or cultural responsiveness learning programmes are currently available to mental health practitioners in each state and territory? What sorts of programmes should be available? How can we work together to develop national mental health cultural responsiveness competencies and accredited courses? MHiMA is currently exploring what is known about the effectiveness of cultural responsiveness learning programmes for health professionals in mental health settings, the availability of programmes across Australia, and collective aspirations for the future.

To do this we are talking with members of MHiMA’s State and Territories Reference Group and asking them to provide us with information about what is happening in their region. We are also undertaking a review of the international literature regarding current approaches with particular emphasis on studies that discuss their effectiveness, that is, their workforce and service impacts and consumer and carer outcomes. 

We plan to make our findings publicly available in a report and on the MHiMA website later this year. We are also preparing an on-line register of multicultural mental health professional development and training providers across the country. We are keen to strengthen capacity by sharing resources and develop a coherent plan that will support the development of a culturally competent workforce.

If you would like to find out more,  please contact either Sue McDonough, [email protected] or Erminia Colucci, [email protected] 

Categories: consultation; MHiMA project news; service access, coordination and care; workforce development and education

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