Current national mental health standards

National Standards for Mental Health Services 2010:

National standards for mental health services 2010 (html)
National standards for mental health services 2010 (PDF 1126 KB large file)

National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (2012):

Australian Commission on Safety & Quality in Healthcare Accreditation Workbook for Mental Health Services  (2014):

Accreditation Workbookfor Mental Health Services


EQuIPNational includes the 10 NSQHS standards, complemented with an additional five standards. In particular, EQuIPNational Standard 11.5 relates to CALD consumers and carers: The organisation meets the needs of consumers/patients and carers with diverse needs and from diverse backgrounds.

For more information click here, or visit National Practice Standards for the mental Health Workforce (2002):

National Practice Standards for the Mental Health Workforce (2002)