Framework for Mental Health in Multicultural Australia: Towards culturally inclusive service delivery 

The Framework continuum of cultral responsiveness

The Framework's tools help workers/clinicians and organisations achieve cultural responsiveness as part of a process of continuous improvement.  

Organisational Cultural Responsiveness Assessment Scale (OCRAS)

Organisations start with an organisational assessment, called OCRAS to determine their current level of cultural responsiveness. The OCRAS scores they achieve will guide them to the appropriate level of strategies in the implementation guide. These strategies will help them develop an action plan to improve their cultural responsiveness. To ensure continuous improvement, organisations can access their confidential scores and action plans at various intervals in the future.

Implementation guide

The implementation guide contains practical strategies and outcome indicators relating to four key outcome areas.  These align with priorities in current plans and policies. Current mental health, quality and safety standards are referenced in the guide.

The four key outcome indicators are:

  1. Consumer, carer and family participation
  2. Safety and quality
  3. Promotion, prevention and early intervention
  4. Workforce.

Based on their OCRAS scores, organisation will be guided to strategies at one of three levels of achievement:

  1. Entry level
  2. Developing level
  3. Advanced level.

There is a separate implementation guide specifically for mental health workers and clinicians. This uses the same key outcome areas and indicators, but contains strategies that focus on improvements at a practice rather than organisational level.

Supporting resources

The Framework's supporting resources include:

Service managers, or people who work on service development or quality improvement - Click here 

Mental health workers/clinicians - Click here

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