Consumers, carers and family members
“… it is normal to have these problems… anyone can go through them... we could support the community by educating and most importantly motivating them... we could assist by sharing our experiences.”
Reference: Prasad-Ildes, R. & Ramirez, E. (2006). What CALD consumers say about mental illness prevention. Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health, 5(2).
Lily Wu, consumer advisor and member of the MHiMA Consumer Working Group
Looking for information?
If you are from an immigrant or refugee background and experiencing emotional problems or mental ill health, or caring for someone else, you may find the following information useful:
- Mental health services
- Multicultural and community organisations
- Language services
- Service provider directories
- Translated mental health information
For articles, reports, fact sheets and other published information on a range of mental health topics, browse MHiMA's knowledge exchange
Latest updates
MHiMA Team - Friday, June 17, 2016
Latest update from Frank Quinlan, CEO Mental Health Australia:
As noted in previous updates, in May 2016 the MHiMA National CaLD Consumer and Carer Working Group (NCCCWG) were invited to tal ..
Mental Health in Multicultural Australia Project – consultation on future directions
MHiMA Team - Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Mental Health Australia is seeking your views on possible future directions for the Mental Health in Multicultural Australia (MHiMA) Project (
Please refer to the co ..
Important new resource for mental health services
MHiMA Team - Friday, March 21, 2014
Updated, Monday 25 March, 2014
An important new mental health resource has been launched after widespread consultation with the sector. ..