Vocational Graduate Certificate in Community Services Practice (Client assessment and case management)
Vocational Graduate Certificate in Community Services Practice (Client assessment and case management)
Victorian Transcultural Mental Health (VTMH)
VTMH, located within St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne and RMIT City Campus, Melbourne.
Mixed mode over a 11 month period . Includes interactive, self-paced online learning, attendance and participation at 4 workshops and participation in online activities (eg. forums, journals). Accredited course students complete assessment tasks. Nonaccredited course participants do not complete assessment tasks.
Per participant for enrolment in acredited or non acredited course. Cost for pariticpants enrolling in the accredited course varies according to previous level of academic attainment.
Health and community services workers. Those who are Australian residents or citizens are eligible to enrol in the accredited course. The first cohort of students include consumer advocates, cultural portfolio holders and practitioners working in clincial mental health, community mental health and social services.
Students who complete the accredited course receive a Vocational Graduate Certificate. This is awarded by RMIT and is recognised as part of the Australian Qualifications Framework.
Program description:
Students commenced the current course in September 2013 and will complete in August 2014.
Enrolment options: 1) Accredited course: Victorian Transcultural Mental Health (VTMH) and RMIT are offering a new nationally recognised qualification in Transcultural Mental Health - CHC70208 Vocational Graduate Certificate in Community Services Practice (Client assessment and case management): Culturally Responsive Practice. 2) Nonaccredited course: Victorian Transcultural Mental Health (VTMH) is offering a practice development course. On completion, participants receive a certificate of attainment.
Learning outcomes: On completion, students will demonstrate enhanced attitudes, skills and knowledge in working in a culturally responsive manner in the mental health system. Participants will also gain broad insight and knowledge into health access and inequity, systemic frameworks and community development principles to support their case work practice with CALD communities.
This course was designed following the delivery, review, modification of earlier non-accredited courses. A six-module course was first delivered in 2009-10 and subsequent five-module courses, delivered in 2011-12. An evaluation report of the six-module module course is available.
Stolk, Y., Kouzma, N. Chopra, P., Oehm, D., & Minas I.H. (2011). Cultural competence training in mental health: Evaluation of a 6-module course as a component of service development. Fitzroy: Victorian Transcultural Psychiatry Unit.
The content, learning methods and student assessment tasks in the 2013-14 are substantially different to those employed in courses previously offered by VTMH. An evaluation of the 2013-14 course will be available following late 2014.