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Occupational Therapy Australia's 26th National Conference and Exhibition
This year Sylvia Docker's Lecture will be delivered by Professor Jenny Zivianiwith a title of Occupational performance: a case for self-determination.
For further information regarding registration fees and inclusions, please click here.
Online survey about a new national framework
MHiMA is inviting feedback on the new Framework for Mental Health in Multicultural Australia: Towards Culturally Inclusive Service Delivery, which can now be accessed on the MHiMA website. The direct link to the Framework is Between now and 10 June 2013, we are inviting you to provide feedback via an online survey.
We would like to encourage all stakeholders in the mental health and multicultural sectors to participate. Your feedback is very much appreciated and valued and will be integrated into the final draft, due for official release in August 2013.
The aim of the Framework is to provide mental health services in the public, private and community sectors with easy to use practical strategies, tools and resources that will increase their cultural responsiveness, including rates of access by CALD mental health consumers and carers and the quality of care they receive.
The Framework consists of three integrated components:
1. An Organisational Cultural Responsiveness Assessment Scale (OCRAS) for mental health services, based on
the National Cultural Competency Tool for Mental Health Services (2010), the starting point for users of the Framework.
2. Strategies and outcome indicators in four key outcome areas:
• culturally and linguistically responsive consumer, carer and family participation;
• culturally inclusive safety and quality practices in mental health services;
• culturally and linguistically responsive mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention; and
• culturally responsive mental health workforce.
3. Supporting tools and resources such as fact sheets and useful links.
The Framework has been closely aligned with current Commonwealth, state and territory plans and policies in mental health and multicultural affairs and referenced to current mental health standards and national safety and quality health standards.
To participate in the survey and find a direct link to the Framework please go to:
If you have any queries please contact Saskia de Vries, Project Officer, on [email protected] or (07) 3167 8319.
Thank you.
Depression and anxiety in GBTI men: survey open
As part of the DoHA funded 'Beyond Barriers Strategy', the National LGBTI Health Alliance is currently conducting research for beyondblue on the opinions and ideas of gay, bisexual, trans and intersex men to encourage GBTI males to take action against depression and anxiety and to find out how best to communicate with GBTI men around these issues. For more information, go to beyondblue's website.
Online Training Resources
Cultural responsiveness in perinatal mental health
The course provides a basic introduction to cross-cultural considerations for engaging effectively with women from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds experiencing mental health issues during the perinatal period. Please note this is not an accredited course, and as such further training is recommended.
Information for Consumers and Carers
Mental Health in Multicultural Australia (MHiMA) provides a range of information and services for mental health consumers, carers, community and students.
Click on the links below for more information: